Five Frontend Things Friday #21

Here are five things in the Frontend Engineering world, that I found interesting…

  1. Serverless Stack - From the site, “Serverless Stack is an open source guide for building and deploying full-stack apps using Serverless and React on AWS. Create a note-taking app from scratch using the Serverless Framework and Create React App.” Nice thorough free resource.
  2. Hyperapp + Parcel = 😎 - Adam Boro writes on the Medium blog of Daftcode, about using Hyperapp, a React-like JS framework, and Parcel, a no-config bundler together to quickly build a lightweight webapp.
  3. Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition - Marijn Haverbeke has written one of my favorite JavaScript books, “Eloquent JavaScript”. He’s updating the third edition right now, and you should give it a read (and provide feedback to him), as the previous editions were excellent.
  4. How Big Is That Box? Understanding Sizing In CSS Layout - From Smashing Magazine, Rachel Andrew writes, “In this article, I’m going to share with you some interesting things about sizing boxes in CSS. I’ve picked out a few things from the specifications that I believe are vital in terms of understanding exactly how big that box is. Take some time to read through, and I think you’ll find sizing in Grid a lot less mysterious!”
  5. Some Thoughts on Choosing the Best JavaScript Framework for Your Project - I like this piece from John Hannah, that talks about how we consider trade-offs in choosing JavaScript frameworks for our projects.

Keep Rising,

Kevin B. Ridgway

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