Five Frontend Things Friday #11

Here are five things in the Frontend Engineering world, that I found interesting…

  1. Intro to debugging ReactJS applications - Good rundown from Bartosz Szczeciński over on his Medium blog.

  2. Reactiflux - A Discord community chat server, that “We’re a chat community of 20,000+ React JS, React Native, Redux, Jest, Relay, and GraphQL developers. We hold Q&A’s with Facebook Engineers Facebook Logo and other developers Developers Logo in the community Community Logo. Come chat about tech related to React & JavaScript or ask for help!” It’s very good. Helpful people, if you’re working on any of these technologies.

  3. browserlist - Over on github, “Share browsers list between different front-end tools, like Autoprefixer, Stylelint and babel-env-preset.“. If you haven’t looked into Babel, and especially babel-preset-env, you should. It’s incredible work, and it helps knowing exactly what browsers your JS app supports easy.

  4. mjml - “The only framework that makes responsive email easy.” MJML engine is written in NodeJS, leveraging ReactJS. An awesome use of JSX/React that allows you to write emails in its tags. Man I wish this existed years ago when I was doing tons of emails by hand he says in a crusty old man voice.

  5. React FAQ - Tim Arney’s site is awesome, if you’re just getting in React. “This guide aims to pull together quality content about React core concepts into a central location for quick reference.”

Mmmm, 4/5 are React links. Can you tell what I’ve been doing lately? :)

Keep Rising,

Kevin B. Ridgway

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